Saturday, May 22, 2010

Staff recommended reading: Django: The Life and Music of a Gypsy Legend

In this centennial year of the birth of Django Reinhardt, by all means go out to hear and dance at the many Bay Area celebrations and tributes to the incomparable French Gypsy jazz guitarist who invented the string-band style of Le Hot Club of 20's, 30's and 40's Paris, but also treat yourself to this biography written with the grace of a novel, the research of a master journalist, and the passion of a musician. Michael Dregni, guitarist and frequent Vintage Guitar magazine writer, performs a feat of scholarship, tracing the life of a nearly non-literate genius who left exactly two paper documents in his own hand. This lively book will redouble your admiration for the colorful, charming, at times vexatious early jazz innovator who struggled out of the music "industry's" straightjackets to follow his own vanguard heart.

See if the book is on the shelf at the Mission Branch...

Django: The Life and Music of a Gypsy Legend

Also, check out these Django Reinhardt CDs from the Mission Branch...

The Best of Django Reinhardt

The complete Django Reinhardt and Quintet of the Hot Club of France swing/HMV sessions 1936-1948


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Como Encontrar Trabajo y Carreras

En este taller los alumnos aprenderán dónde localizar y cómo utilizar los recursos de empleo y de carrera en la Biblioteca Pública de San Francisco y el City College of San Francisco. Además, los estudiantes serán introducidos a una serie de búsqueda de empleo y orientación profesional en los sitios de la red. Se requiere la capacidad básica para navegar por la Red. No es necesario registrarse.

Jueves 20 de Mayo de 2010
3:30–5:30 p.m.

Atención: La clase se dará en la Biblioteca del Mission Campus
del City College de San Francisco
1125 Calle Valencia, Salón 408